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Nov-29-2015: Extending our Welcome

Rev. Meg Roberts Coordinator: Joan Morris Beacon went through an educational process and an official vote in 2004 to become a Unitarian Universalist ‘Welcoming Congregation’, acknowledging support for the inclusion and participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. That was eleven years ago. What are some issues transgender people face today and how can […]

Nov-22-2015: Climate Change: Really, Why Should I Give a Hoot?

Terry McComas Co-ordinator: Rev. Debra Thorne One hears many alarming predictions about climate change, but sees few examples in our daily life. The local weather remains mild, our fish still swim, our gardens continue to grow. Experts generally agree that the impacts elsewhere will be more pronounced. So, why should we care?

Nov-15-2015: The Grace in Aging

Rev. Debra Thorne Aging is a spiritual practice like no other. If we were to take to heart the precariousness of our existence, what strivings and consuming, what cherished beliefs, what clung to personal stories would we let go of? And in that letting go are we prepared for what will return to us?

Nov-8-2015: Telling the Truth

Rev. Debra Thorne Telling the truth to ourselves and to others may lead to integrity. But the real truth is a fun but bumpy ride over the potholes made by little white lies, false claims, embellishments and tall stories! When must truth be spoken? On what do you stake your integrity?

October 18: Democracy—Use it or lose it

At the intersection between faith and politics is the Unitarian Principle: We, the member congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. Two Beacon members explore what this means to them, their concerns […]

October 11: Harvest the Joy

This Thanksgiving we’ll get down to the source of our power, sing it out, share it around and give it away, so we can be refilled. Let joy be the source of your power. Let us be grateful for all that we have of inner and outer resources. Let us be joyful for the sources […]

October 4: What Moves Me

From the edges of sustainability rise the stories that keep us going when fear and despair threaten to defeat us. Listen to a Suzuki Elder listen to and dialogue with youth to find shared sources of resilience. Suzuki Elders, like Diana Ellis, have for three years mentored youth engaged in environmental work and learned of […]

September 27: Your Home Country

Three Beacon connections, Rebecca Burns, Leo Bae, and Arlette Stewart, who have moved to Canada from another country will reflect on what a home country means to them. How did they choose Canada? What advantages did they look for? What are the difficulties in changing cultures? What do they want to keep from the previous […]