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Mar-8-2020: Listening to the Wisdom Within

  Rev. Meg Roberts We reflect on the wisdom that guides our lives—those sources that sustain us, the people in our lives, the wisdom from our bodies and from the earth (the mother who sustains us all). It takes courage in our world to follow the wisdom we cultivate within, so let us support one […]

Mar-1-2020: Loving Someone with Mental Illness

Guest speaker: Lynne Bonner From depression to borderline personality disorder, mental illness is often stigmatized in our culture. In this service, Lynne Bonner, First Unitarian Church of Victoria Worship Associate, presents a personal story to shed light on the experience of loving someone who struggles with mental illness, and presents some lessons learned—insights that apply […]

Feb-16-2020: Facing Shadow, Cultivating Hope

Rev. Meg Roberts As we face the shadows in ourselves and in our world, how do we face the painful feelings, including despair, and cultivate hope? I’d like to share some things I’ve learned from my own life as well as from the teachings of Buddhist Joanna Macy.

Feb-9-2020: Stories of Our Elders

Rev. Meg Roberts Beacon’s 37th Anniversary is on February 6th. Today is a chance to hear stories from our elders as well as share special moments of what makes Beacon a special community in our lives—with both its shadows and its light! To celebrate this anniversary, we’ll have a new member ceremony, and a soup […]

Jan-26-2020: We Need Not Think Alike To Love Alike

Rev. Meg Roberts The title of this service is inspired by words of Francis David, Transylvanian minister, in one of the first Unitarian movements in the world, in 16th century Europe. Come and hear why he crossed over the threshold from one set of beliefs into another and, by doing so, became a heretic. Why […]

Jan-19-2020: What is a family?

With Sue Sparlin, Beacon member and Lay Chaplain In her role as Lay Chaplain, Sue has been asked to perform a ceremony of union for a polyamorous family: two identified woman and one identified man. This made her question our Beacon definitions of family. What wording do our administrative forms use? Do they say “mom” […]

Jan-12-2020: The Thresholds of Spiritual Life

Rev. Meg Roberts Humans go through various stages of life: infant, child, youth, young adult, adult, mature adult, and older adult. How does spiritual growth arise from or influence these life stages? As adults, how can we cross these thresholds in a mindful way?