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Dec-24-2019: Each Night a Child is Born is a Holy Night

Rev. Meg Roberts We celebrate all births and remember one in particular this evening. With inspiring stories and music of the season, we remember why these new beginnings are such a holy time. Bring friends and family to this service as well as anyone else who might like to be in a community on this […]

Dec-22-2019: The Gift of Darkness

Service Leaders: Worship Services Committee As we awake from the longest night of the year, the Worship Services Committee invites you to consider the gifts of darkness. As a society, we seek the light and fear the darkness—both literally and metaphorically. In so doing, imbalances can be created on a personal, societal and planetary level. […]

Nov-24-2019: Being Open to Joy

Rev. Meg Roberts In the midst of the suffering and anxiety of our lives, our dear ones, and our world, it can be very challenging to be open to joy. Joy can happen spontaneously in unexpected moments as well as through philosophical and spiritual practices. What brings you joy? What are you open to experiencing […]

Nov-17-2019: Dreaming a Future Together

Guest Speaker: Joan Carolyn, CUC Congregational Life Team Lead As Beacon celebrates a new shared ministry relationship, Joan Carolyn invites us to a morning honoring who we are and where we might go. Imagine an enjoyable time, sitting well around a fire, like a hearth, openly sharing hospitality. As we gaze into the fire, what […]

Nov-10-2019: Deepening Community Roots, Freeing Vision’s Wings

Rev. Meg Roberts I had the privilege of meeting with five small groups of Beaconites to get a sense of what makes this Beacon community so important to them. I also heard inspiring ideas for giving Beacon’s vision—Connect, Inspire, Transform—wings. I want to share some of what I’ve been learning as well as some ideas […]

Nov-3-2019: Holy as Mud

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Barbara Wells ten Hove The work of the church can be messy but it is powerfully meaningful and important. Our guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. Barbara Wells ten Hove, who has been a UU minister for 35 years, will share her thoughts on how congregational life empowers us to build a […]