In person at 318 Keary St. New Westminister and online*

Upcoming Services:

Sunday, March 2

10:15 AM:
Come early to visit!
Coffee and tea will be ready at Sapperton. Zoom room will be open as well.

10:30 AM: Be here now
A Roots of Resilience Service
Rev. Jonipher Kūpono Kwong (Rev. J) (video recording)

In a constantly shifting world, what are the spiritual practices that allow us to be present to ourselves and be committed to our spiritual community? What resources and wisdom can we draw from to achieve equanimity in our lives and become more resilient?

Bio: Rev J. (he/they) is the Lead Minister of First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. Dr. Kwong obtained his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Claremont School of Theology in California and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in film studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Born and raised in the Philippines (of Chinese descent), most of RevJ’s adult life was spent in California and Hawai’i. He served several congregations during his more than decade-long ministry including First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, Sepulveda UU Society, Temecula Valley UU Community, Ohana Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in Honolulu and Resurrection Beach MCC in Orange County, CA.

After the service: Coffee and tea service will continue after the service. We invite you to:

  • socialize with other congregants; or
  • join in a small group discussion on the topic of spiritual grounding and the personal and collective spiritual practices and rituals that increase our sense of connection and belonging to ourselves, our communities, our world and beyond.

Small group discussion questions (note it is okay to “pass” for any question)

  • What are you already doing that might become a spiritual practice?
  • Where do you have the greatest sense of connection – to your inner voice, the larger whole, or the sacred?
  • What expands your sense of self?
  • How do you integrate your spiritual practices into your life?
  • What have you gained from your spiritual practice? What do you hope to gain?

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Order of Service (updated the day before the service)

Please register to receive the Zoom link. Enter your name and email address, and the Zoom link will be emailed directly to you. (We are using the same Zoom link from week to week, so you only have to register once to be able to attend all the Sunday morning services.)

Zoom orientation information is available here.

March Services

Mar 2
10:30 am
Be here now
A Roots of Resilience Service
Rev. Jonipher Kūpono Kwong (Rev. J) (video recording)

In a constantly shifting world, what are the spiritual practices that allow us to be present to ourselves and be committed to our spiritual community? What resources and wisdom can we draw from to achieve equanimity in our lives and become more resilient?

Bio: Rev J. (he/they) is the Lead Minister of First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. Dr. Kwong obtained his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Claremont School of Theology in California and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in film studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Born and raised in the Philippines (of Chinese descent), most of RevJ’s adult life was spent in California and Hawai’i. He served several congregations during his more than decade-long ministry including First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, Sepulveda UU Society, Temecula Valley UU Community, Ohana Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in Honolulu and Resurrection Beach MCC in Orange County, CA.

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Mar 9
10:30 am
Movement and spiritual growth?
Lay chaplain Laura Redmond, Judy Villett, Glenn Wootton, Ming-Xuan Chung, Bette Goode

Movement is defined as the “change of place or position or posture.” Please join Beaconites and friends as we reflect on how movement supports our spiritual growth. And yes, there will be opportunities to move in the service!

Please join Teresa Morton after the service for her Monthly Envirobee.

Mar 16
10:30 am

Join us for a soup lunch following the service. A suggested donation of $5 is appreciated, but pay what you can. Newcomers are warmly invited to be our guests.

Mar 23
10:30 am
A Theology of Play
Guest Speaker: Janet Pivnick
We are living in serious times. As Unitarians, we take seriously the responsibility to improve conditions in the world. Yet research tells us that an attitude of play is not only important for our own well-being, but also increases the effectiveness of social change movements. Injecting silliness into our lives can be a spiritual practice. We will contemplate an attitude of play – and maybe even share some laughter and fun.
Mar 30
10:30 am
Peace, Not War
Marilyn Medén, Beacon member

This is possible. From the history of non-violent protests, to possibilities in the present,  Marilyn Medén will present the results of her research on the prevention of wars.  Kate Smith and Bill Marshall will contribute their uplifting music.

February Services

Feb 2
10:30 am
Beacon of Light
A Roots of Resilience service with Rev. Fiona Heath (video recording)

With the light of the chalice guiding the way, we explore our aspiration to be theologically alive: seeking to be ever-evolving in our understanding, open to new knowledge. How does our theology respond to the present moment and where might it go in the future? This pre-recorded sermon is part of the Meaning Making series.

Bio: Rev. Fiona Heath (she/her) spent nine years as the settled minister at the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga, as well as two years as the part time minister of the UU Congregation of Durham. Now retired, she lives in the countryside north of Kingston, focusing on fiction and poetry writing, local climate crisis response, and how to be a UU at home.

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Feb 9
10:30 am
When Hope is Hard to Find
Guest speaker: Rev. Christopher Wulff

Amidst current political realities and the seemingly constant stream of news that is an affront to our Principles, it is easy to find oneself in a state of despair. Whether it is news from our neighbour to the south or from any number of conflicts around the globe, we are living in difficult times for so many. And truly, painful though it is, despairing leads us nowhere. What then can we do to renew hope, both individually and collectively? What are you called to? What are we called to?

Bio: Rev. Christopher Wulff is an ordained Minister who grew up in Unitarian community and last served as Minister of Westside UU Congregation in West Seattle. Currently a stay-at-home parent to his sons Rowan and Benjamin, and partner to his wife Ariel, he remains deeply involved in UU collegial communities continentally. A trainer of trainers for the OWL program, Rev. Christopher is passionate about comprehensive sex education, reproductive justice and LGBTQ rights.

Please join Teresa Morton after the service for her Monthly Envirobee.

Feb 16
10:30 am
Won’t You Be My Valentine?
Beacon member John Hagen and Friends

Yes, with that call, you are invited to participate in and enjoy a Valentine service at Beacon on Sunday February 16th. There will be poems, songs, and humorous readings about the path of love. You will have an opportunity to exchange Valentine greetings.

Join us for a soup lunch following the service. A suggested donation of $5 is appreciated, but pay what you can. Newcomers are warmly invited to be our guests.

Feb 23
10:30 am
Whose belonging?
Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz (Video Recording)
Annual Sharing our Faith collection will be taken*

The moment I am asked about belonging, immediately a whole bunch of stories come to mind about times when I felt I didn’t belong. I am sure I’m not alone in this, it’s one of the challenges of trying to talk about belonging, how it creates complicated connections between our inner landscape, the world we find ourselves in, and the worlds we are attempting to bring about.

Bio: Karen Fraser Gitlitz (she/her) is a white, cis-gendered woman of northern European ancestry. Karen has served as a Unitarian Universalist minister since 2008 and a professional Art Therapist since 2023. Karen and her partner, musician and composer Paul Gitlitz, now make their home on the Saanich peninsula, the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people.

*Sharing Our Faith Service: Instead of our usual offering, we are holding a special collection for the Sharing our Faith fund. Each year, the Sharing our Faith fund is renewed with money collected by congregations, and from a Foundation Fund administered by the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. These donations are sent to the CUC to be distributed as grants to congregations and UU communities applying for projects they may not otherwise afford.

January Services

Jan 5
10:30 am
Prophets of Love: Active Engagement in a Time of Polycrisis
A Roots of Resilience Service
Guest Speaker: Reilly Yeo (video recording)

We’re called in this time of climate crisis not just to change our world, but to transform it. In the process, we will need to transform ourselves. Climate change is a wake-up call that heralds the urgency of our third principle as Unitarian Universalists – spiritual growth. Join Reilly Yeo, Candidate for Ministry with the Unitarian Universalist Association and Co-Founder of Climate Plan, for this exploration of the spiritual dimensions of the climate crisis.

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Jan 12
10:30 am
Embrace the Journey Forward
Service Leaders: Glenn Wootton & David Kristjanson

Join us as we honour the past and prepare our hearts for the year to come. As the new year invites us into its mysteries, we will take a moment to reflect on the year gone by — its joys, its sorrows, and all that it has shaped in us. Then through a reflective ritual we will relinquish what no longer serves us — obstacles, burdens, or limiting beliefs — creating space for renewal and transformation, freeing us to embrace the journey forward.

Please join Teresa Morton after the service next Sunday for her Monthly Envirobee.

Jan 19
10:30 am
Catching a ride with hope
Guest Speaker: Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz

When life feels complicated, uncertain or painful, it can be difficult to hold on to the vision or
positive outlook that seemed so obvious in better days. How is it that hope re-enters our lives?

Bio: Karen Fraser Gitlitz (she/her) is a Unitarian Universalist minister and a professional Art
Therapist. After serving UU congregations in BC and Saskatchewan, Karen and her partner Paul
Gitlitz relocated to the Saanich peninsula on southern Vancouver Island, BC, the traditional
territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people, which includes the W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) and SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout)
First Nations. Karen continues to support Canadian UU congregations as the Coordinator of the
Meaning Making Project while developing her private practice as an Art Therapist through
Creative upWelling Art Therapy. Karen delights in making connections between spirituality, the
arts, and social justice and providing offerings to support and uplift those who are doing the
hard work of bringing justice, equity and compassion into their daily lives.

Join us for a soup lunch following the service. A suggested donation of $5 is appreciated, but pay what you can. Newcomers are warmly invited to be our guests.

Jan 26
10:30 am
Wake Now OUR Vision of Ministry Clear
Guest Speaker: Mary Bennett

As we make a start with the new year, let’s consider how we each can “mingle my calling with
all who will share.” These phrases from hymn #298 (Wake Now My Senses) are our “text” for
this Sunday as Beacon steps into 2025.

We tend to use the words “minister” and “ministry” interchangeably. Mary will offer some insights as to how those two terms connect. The 2013 UUA report Fulfilling the Call struggled with the expectations placed on professional ministers and came up with nine duties with a description of four levels of competence to help a congregation and minister navigate expectations. What if we used this template to also help discern members’ ministry along with goals and the support needed?

Bio: Mary Bennett was the CUC Executive Director when a Shared Ministry task force report
affirmed that all of us have a calling, a ministry, and that together we can “work for a planet transformed by our care.”

December Services

Dec 1
10:30 am
We All Belong — A Roots of Resilience Service
With Rev. Samaya Oakley (video recording)

Join us this Sunday to dig deeper into the practice of Radical Hospitality. Rev. Samaya is a strong believer in social justice and believes that our theology calls us to be active agents for love and justice in the world. She holds at the heart of her ministry the importance of relationships, compassion and being an active agent for love and justice in the world.

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Dec 8
10:30 am
Celebrating Beaconites’ Holiday Cultures and Music
This service celebrates the holiday music from the various cultures and religions of our Beacon community.
Come join Bill, Kate, Dominique, Laura, Marylke and John for songs and storytelling.

After the service is our Annual Budget Meeting
Beacon will hold the budget meeting to approve the budget for 2025. The budget meeting will follow the service and will be both in-person and online (same Zoom link as the service). An email was sent out by Teresa on Tuesday November 26th with more information and a copy of the budget.

Dec 15
10:30 am
“Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the hungry. Blessed are those who weep.”
Guest Speaker: Earl Morris

During the season of advent, my focus turns to the wisdom teachings of Jesus. On December 15th we will be
exploring the related themes of “non-dualism” and “radical inclusion” as taught by Jesus. We will break into small groups for discussion: How do you see “radical inclusion”? What is bad about “radical inclusion”? What is good about “radical inclusion”?

Earl Morris is a retired physician who last worked as a hospitalist at Eagle Ridge Hospital. The wisdom teachings of Jesus were the subject of the meditative Quaker services held in his home before he left the Quaker religion.

Please join Teresa Morton after the service next Sunday for her Monthly Envirobee.

Dec 22
10:30 am
Pre-service Sing-along with Bill & Kate:

In the Bleak Midwinter
Turning of the World
Deck the Halls
Hallelujah (Southpointe Academy version)

Solstice Service: Belonging
Lay Chaplain Laura Redmond with music by Bill Marshall and Kate Smith, and Lori Holtorf and Ming-Xuan Chung

The winter solstice is a powerful reminder of the natural cycles of the Earth and our place within them. Just as we belong to the earth, we also belong to each other. This service will offer time for both quiet contemplation and joyful singing. We will end with a community spiral dance.

You’re invited to a turkey dinner after the service. Suggested donation is $5 or pay what you can. Newcomers are invited to be our guests.

Dec 24
4:30 pm
Christmas Eve Service
Hosted by Judy Villett and Michael Scales

A special Christmas Eve service with holiday readings and songs.

Dec 31
10:30 am
Freedom From and Freedom To
Marilyn Medén, Kate Smith and Bill Marshall

With calm and freedom from stress, you are able to create a more relaxed and happier life for yourself and others.  From her own experience, Marilyn Medén will use many sources, including Mr. Rogers and Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements, to allow more freedom for herself, others, and maybe even the world.  Kate Smith and Bill Marshall will contribute their uplifting music.

November Services

Nov 3
10:30 am
Honouring our Ancestors
Rev. Meg Roberts, Beth Connelly, Judy Villett, Laura Redmond and Michael Scales

In the season of Halloween, Samhain, and All Souls’ Day we gather for a ritual to honour our ancestors. You are invited to bring a photo of one of your beloveds, or an object that you associate with them, to the service this morning. Whether you are online or in person, there will be an opportunity to share your photo or object and name your ancestor and one thing you learned from them about how to live a good life. We will also remember members of the congregation who have died in the last few years, as well as our Unitarian Universalist ancestors that formed our movement. With music, words, ritual, and dance, this celebration also offers us a chance to think of one thing that we want to leave our descendants—our legacy.

Linked to our service topic, the Beacon film club is hosting a discussion of the Disney movie Coco. The story follows a 12-year-old boy named Miguel who is accidentally transported to the Land of the Dead, where he seeks the help of his deceased musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living and to reverse his family’s ban on music. Stay tuned for an invitation to an online watch party, tentatively scheduled for Wed. Oct. 30th at 6:30. The film club will meet online on Friday. Nov. 1 at 7 pm to discuss it.

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Nov 10
10:30 am
Why Can’t I Be Right?
With Rev. Meg Roberts –
A Roots of Resilience Service

One of the things that impairs me deeply connecting with others is when I act as if I’m right. I may believe people have a right to their own views, but in practice, I react as though I believe I’m right and others are wrong. So it is at times in our communities – one-on-one, in small groups, within whole congregations, and in the larger world. What core beliefs do I need to give up to foster healthy relationships amongst and within Unitarian Universalist communities?

What values and practices will help me weave this into my daily life, and develop deeper and deeper compassion for myself and others?

You’re invited to a soup lunch after the service. Suggested donation is $5 or pay what you can. Newcomers are invited to be our guests.

Nov 17
10:30 am
The Gift of Voice: Embracing Connection Through Song
Special Guest: Patti Powell, singing instigator extraordinaire

Music is a universal language that unites us across cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds. By singing together we weave our individual lives into a powerful tapestry of community, each voice unique and yet united. Join us as we welcome back Patti Powell, singing instigator extraordinaire. Come with an open heart and be uplifted.

We invite you to join us for Envirobee after the service.

Nov 24
10:30 am
Misery Loves Company
Michael Scales and Rev. Meg Roberts

A deeper dive into ‘What does it mean to share our joys and sorrows with our community?’ With blues music and reflections from Michael and friends.

Holidays are around the corner. Some of us love the holidays and they’re not for everyone.

Join Rev. Meg and the Pastoral Support Team (in person and online) to share and listen about the Holiday Blues. You are part of a circle of empathy and care.

October Services

Oct 6
10:30 am
Thanks Be For Us
Guest Speaker: Rev. Brian Kiely
This service is online only via Zoom.

Whatever wonderful things we hope Beacon can do in the wider world, it really all starts with us. Nothing good will happen at Beacon without us … no services, no community, no caring, no music, no forum for Unitarian social justice. It really starts with us. This week before Thanksgiving, as we think about stewardship, we should start by thanking ourselves.

Food Bank Sunday: The 1st Sunday of every month is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program.

Oct 13
10:30 am
Beacon: Our Values and Our Vision  
Part 1: Living into our values, becoming our best selves
with Rev. Meg Roberts
Here at Beacon, we often say we celebrate that we have various beliefs and philosophies, yet we share common values. Yes this is true—partly…. We do have some common values and, as people with unique life experiences and  backgrounds, we also have other values that shape us. That’s part of the richness in our community.
So, how do we name our Beacon values so we can so they can guide our choices and actions moving forward? We’ve created exciting plans we’ve been putting into action since last spring – now is the time for this next step.
A week before the service:
Look for the Beacon’s Values Survey email that gives a PDF and online link, then take a bit of time to reflect on yours and Beacon’s values before next Sunday’s service.
At the Oct.13 service:
We’ll share in small groups what we each come up with for Beacon’s values, then together discover where these various values overlap. Out of this, we will develop a Beacon statement of common valuesthese will then inspire our plans and our actions.
These are exciting times in which we livehope you can be with us on this part of the process!

After the service, there will be a short gathering for newcomers and all who have questions, like ‘What the heck is Unitarianism, anyways?’

We’ll connect in-person and online.

10:15 AM: Come early to visit! Coffee and tea will be ready at Sapperton. Zoom room will be open as well.
Pre-service sing-along! Come along and lift your spirits and your voices with others who enjoy the gift of song and singing.

Join us for a Thanksgiving lunch after the service — all are welcome.
Invite family and friends as well. Turkey dinner with all the fixings (vegan and gluten free options). Contact Peggy Lunderville if able to RSVP and if bringing food. Last minute participants welcome. By donation.

Oct 20
10:30 am
Come, Come, Whoever You Are
Guest Speakers: Phil Campbell, Laura Redmond and Sue Sparlin.
Musicians: Kate Smith, Bill Marshall, and Ming-Xuan Chung.
Service Leaders: Glenn Wootton and David Kristjanson.

Do you hear that voice calling you, calling us? That voice which calls us together here today in this room made holy by our presence and by the sacred breath we share in our singing and speaking and silence. That voice which calls us to remember that we are not alone and that we are inextricably linked to all other life—woven into a vast tapestry of existence of which we are a powerful, integral, and holy part. Come together here today to hear three Beacon members tell you what called them to Beacon. Come to hear Ming-Xuan Chung play his beautiful music. Come to listen and sing along with Kate Smith and Bill Marshall.

Come, Come, Whoever You Are, Wanderer, Worshiper, Lover of Leaving. Ours is no caravan of despair. Come yet again come.

We invite you to join us for Envirobee after the service.

Oct 27
10:30 am
Beacon: Our Values and Our Vision
Part 2: Being Relevant and Responsive – Here and Now

Rev. Meg Roberts & Friends

Beaconites have a wonderful history of putting their values into action – both within our own community and by reaching out to those beyond ourselves. In this service, that history can inspire us to look at our vision for the coming year(s). As part of that, we’ll create a web of connections: where are Beaconites putting their values into action in their lives?

Come early at 10:15am and join in our sing-along, and stay afterwards for conversation and refreshments – online and in-person!

September Services

Sep 8
10:30 am
Pouring Our Energies Together: The Annual Water Ceremony
Rev. Meg Roberts

Beacon’s program year starts again with this special service. The annual water ceremony service is for all ages: we pour water from various sources into one common bowl, symbolizing the re-gathering of this community after a summer break. If you would like to bring water from your summer experiences to put into the bowl, please do (whether from a favourite place or from your tap at home)!

Sep 15
10:30 am

This year’s Sharing the Plate Recipient: Century House Association Peer Support (CHAPS)
Guest Speaker: MaryAnn Becher

MaryAnn Becher is the coordinator of Century House Association Peer Support, a helping program designed to enhance the social and mental well-being of older adults who are facing life transitions and challenges. Come and learn all about Beacon’s 2024/2025 Sharing the Plate recipient.

After the service there will be a Soup Lunch and Teresa Morton will be holding her monthly Envirobee.

Sep 22
10:30 am

Welcome Newcomers and All Comers!
Rev. Meg Roberts and The Connecting Committee

Ever wonder what Unitarianism really is all about? What do they believe? What do they value? This service is a time to bring your family, friends and neighbours, as well as for all newcomers—and all comers—to come together.

We’ll explore what values are most important to us as individuals and as a Beacon community. There will be good music, good humour, and good value for your time!

10:15 am:  Join our Pre-Service Sing-Along

After the service, there will be a short gathering for newcomers and all who have questions, like ‘What the heck is Unitarianism, anyways?’

We’ll connect in-person and online.


Sep 29
10:30 am
Roots of Resilience Series

What If We Prioritized Rest?
Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz (video recording)

When I think about prioritizing rest, my head fills with voices—parents, mentors, even past employers—and I notice a strong reaction in my body. To help us understand what is happening and why rest is so significant, we will lean into the writings of black authors and activists such as Tricia Hersey, who have identified the theological necessity of rest for individuals and communities.

Bio: Karen Fraser Gitlitz is a Unitarian Universalist minister and a professional Art Therapist. Karen and her partner Paul recently relocated to the Saanich peninsula on southern Vancouver Island, BC. Karen continues to serve small Canadian UU congregations through the Meaning Making Project while deepening her exploration of the intersection between spirituality, the arts, and social justice.

Summer 2024 Services

Jul 14
***4:00 PM***
Connecting Life to Fiction
Marilyn Medén

Louise Penny has the great gift of empathizing with the characters in her murder mysteries. We will explore how real life empathy, love, hope, and forgiveness are shown in a variety of her characters. Kate Smith and Bill Marshall will provide their lively and meaningful music.

The service will be at 4 pm on July 14th in the exuberance of John Hagen’s backyard, 1834 London Street, New Westminster. It would be good to have a little social time after, so if you would like, you could bring a plate of appetizers to share, and please bring your own beverage.

Please contact Marilyn Medén if you wish more detail (contact details in the online Breeze directory).

Aug 17
***3–8:00 pm***
Please join us for New West Pride 2024
Saturday, August 17, 3–8 pm • Downtown New Westminster on Columbia Street

Beacon Unitarian is once again participating in the New West Pride Festival. We are looking for 8–10 volunteers to hang out at the Beacon Booth and tell people about our Welcoming Congregation. There will be at least two people at our booth at all times. Shifts are one to two hours long, sometime between 2:30 and 8:30 pm—there is lots of flexibility and it’s always lots of fun. Please email David Kristjanson for more information.

Sunday, Aug 18
10:30 am
Summer Service in Sapperton Park
Cancelled due to a wet weather forecast.

Come join us for song and celebration under the trees. Bring your own lawn chair and perhaps snacks or a picnic lunch for afterwards. We will meet in Sapperton Park across the street from the Royal Columbian Hospital. Please invite a friend or neighbour. There is a playground and spray park for anyone who would like to bring kids and/or grandkids. Look for the Beacon Banner.

Sunday, Aug 27
10:30 am
Summer Singing Service
Service Coordinator: Peggy Lunderville

All ages and all levels of musical ability are welcome to join us for a morning of singing/playing at Peggy Lunderville’s home (8892 Armstrong Avenue, Burnaby. Call or text Peggy at 604-812-5939 if more information is needed). This gathering is a wonderful opportunity to connect as a community in the summer as we sing our favourite hymns from the charcoal and teal hymnbooks, as well as the “Joyce Poley” songbooks. Bring musical instruments if you wish to accompany. If you have a hymn you would like to be included, please contact Peggy Lunderville ahead of time. There will also be room for some requests at the service itself. Potluck lunch to follow (tea, coffee, juice and water will be provided). Our home is wheelchair accessible.

 May & June Services

May 5
10:30 am
Beacon Rocks! Celebrating Congregational Conversations
The Congregational Conversations Team and Rev. Meg Roberts

You are invited to a spirited review of our congregational process from this last year. This will be an opportunity to reflect on our experiences and look to our future. Join us at 10:20 am for a pre-service sing-along. In addition, the choir will sing today.

Food Bank Sunday (the 1st Sunday of every month) is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program. Your support is always very much appreciated. Click here to donate online.

May 12
10:30 am
A Lively Ritual for Summer Expansion
By the WorshipLab Team: David Kristjanson, Glenn Wootton, Teresa Morton, Marilyn Medén, Susan Tarras and Laura Redmond

Let’s worship the way plants do, starting as a seed in a quiet place, drinking in water and sunshine, and then bursting forth with leaves and flowers to bless those around us!

The choir performs, and there is a soup lunch after the service. Suggested donation for the soup lunch is $5 or pay what you can. Newcomers are invited to be our guests.

May 19
10:30 am
My Muzungu Eyes Are Improving
Liz James, Canadian Unitarian Council (Recording)

How do we help effectively across a culture gap? Drawing from more than a decade of personal experience, Liz James tells a story that has it all … Humour, thoughtful analysis, and confrontations with lions. Not a metaphor. Real lions.

Bio: Liz James is the founder of a 230,000-person online UU community called the Unitarian Universalist Hysterical Society (UUHS); half of The Cracked Cup podcast; and working on a book with Skinner House Press. Liz is based out of Saskatchewan, where she is building a tiny house with her own two hands. She believes in a Unitarian Universalism that is filled with meaning and joy, and that sees change as an adventure.

May 26
10:30 am
Celebrate in Song!
Beacon’s Choir with Faith Veikle, Ming-Xuan Chung and Rev. Meg Roberts

We have been so lucky this year to enjoy the music of our choir under the leadership of choir director Faith Veikle, accompanied by Ming-Xuan Chung. As the choir wraps up, this is a celebration of the choir and all it has brought to Beacon’s life and spirit.

June 2
10:30 am

Humanism in Our Lives
Rev. Meg Roberts, John Hagen and Marilyn Medén

As part of our sources series, we’ll explore how humanism affects our lives. Meg will put this in the context of our movement’s history, and Marilyn and John will share their stories. We’ll invite you to consider what humanist ideas you connect with.

Food Bank Sunday (the 1st Sunday of every month) is when Beacon collects donations for SHARE’s food bank program. Your support is always very much appreciated. Click here to donate online.

June 9
10:30 am
Sharing the Plate with Purpose!
Merrilyn Cook

Join us as we hear Merrilyn Cook, the principal of Purpose Independent School, about their past year and the lunch program that Beacon is contributing to. We will be presenting them with our Sharing the Plate contributions from this last year.

Envirobee after the service.

June 16
10:30 am

Flower Communion Ceremony
Rev. Meg Roberts

You are invited to bring a sweet piece of summer for this special Flower Communion service. If you are joining us in person at Sapperton, bring your flower to share with others. If you are joining us online via Zoom, have your flower there to be part of the ceremony—then you can choose to share it with someone in your life after the service or keep it to enjoy in your home. Whether you bring the flower from your yard, or buy one, or even draw one, it is welcome. As we navigate this multi-platform experience, the flower in your heart is more than enough if you show up without a flower. As we close out this church year, let us celebrate each other and the gift that Beacon is in our lives.

Please join us after the service for our annual picnic! We’ll be in Sapperton Park if the weather is good, and in Sapperton lower hall if it’s raining. Look for more details in Beacon This Week email update.