Unitarian churches are unique in that we have congregational polity; that is, each congregation is independent of another and does not answer to a higher level of government. Our congregation is a member of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC), but we alone control our own budgets and sustain ourselves financially.

Board of Trustees

The Beacon Unitarian Church Board of Trustees is composed of members elected by the congregation, normally for a two-year term. The job of the Board is to handle the administration of Beacon and to provide leadership and direction. The board is no less about vision, as communicated by the congregation, than it is about the tasks needed to keep the church running.

The Beacon Board of Trustees for 2024-2025:

Teresa Morton, Co-President
Peg Hinkley, Co-President
Carol Woodworth, Treasurer
Deepak Sahasrabudhe, Co-Secretary
Rob Warner, Co-Secretary
Jane Day, Member-at-large
Dave Kristjanson, Member-at-large