The People’s Ecochallenge

Join Beacon’s Team (Beacon Unitarian) in the People’s Ecochallenge Wednesday Oct. 7 to Wednesday Oct. 28! This is an annual event that invites team members to take actions and earn points for our team; it is an excellent opportunity to put our principles in action. Challenges range from fact-finding to habit-forming and each team member decides which challenge(s) they want to take on. For instance, in the area of plastics, challenges include signing petitions, picking up plastic litter, forgoing plastic straws, and replacing single-use utensils with reusable utensils.

As Reverend Meg explains it is ‘a really good way to build community, get educated, and make a difference! And the kids and youth participate because it is action oriented.’

Please connect with Teresa, or visit, to join the Beacon Team by October 5th!; 778.855.1704

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